Category Archives: Technology

Weekly Links

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We haven’t posted a Weekly Links in a while! Usually it is a great start to a Monday but who says it can’t work for Tuesday, am I right? Hope you all had a great start to your week and send over any links that you feel could work for our next post!   Nick Young…

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Weekly Links

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We haven’t posted a Weekly Links in a while… We have to remember to amuse ourselves, in addition to working so hard, right?!    Because the weekend is approaching…   Who doesn’t love Jane Fonda? And why are the comments so MEAN?!   Amazing to look at how clothing has changed over the…

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Weekly Links

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My job has a lot of perks. For one, I get to read articles all day about fascinating new discoveries in all markets. Because we work within so many competitive channels, we need to know the in’s and out’s of what is happening in the world. Staying updated is our biggest priority in order to…

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